Winter Solstice Transmission (2021)

The Winter Solstice marks the longest night of the year and the beginning of our ascent into light. Today as I breathe and pray, I reflect on all that has transpired and inspired me over the past year.  

During the last Winter Solstice, we gathered at Spiral Dance Ranch with our prayers and intentions for food sovereignty. We planted 21 fruit trees for ourselves and the future generations. Aho!

In January of 2021, we held our first tipi ceremony. I now see how the tipi ceremony’s medicine has opened my heart in ways I never imagined.  “This is how we come together in community.”  It has been a re-membering.  I am forever grateful.  ‘Its like that’.

In May of 2021, we kicked off our first SHIP initiation on the land!   I am continuously astonished by these five initiations’ healing and transformational power (Spiral Path, Family of Origin, Shadow, Inner Beloved, Soul Purpose). I am falling deeper in love with my spiral path. Four complete and one to go!  January of 2022, Air, here we come! I am inspired and excited for SHIP 2022! 

In August of 2021, I returned to The Temple of the Way of Light in Peru.   In a safe container, with the ancient technology of the Shipibo healers, I sit with Mother Ayahuasca.  I experience a homecoming into myself and my infinite concern. ‘Thank you Divine Mother, thank you Divine Father.’

In September of 2021, with the community’s help, we built our Sweat Lodge, Ke-ti-ya (sacred waters).  We are learning the ways of purification and prayer.  We are dreaming into a monthly community sweat for 2022!  Fuego, Fuego, Fuego!

In November of 2021, when asked to write a chapter for a book inspired by my teacher Linda Starwolf!  I say yes!  Way out of my comfort zone and surprisingly enjoying writing.  That is what inspired this share!  

In December of 2021, I traveled to Costa Rica and attended my first ISTA (International School of the Temple Arts) training.  Through language, ritual, and ceremony, I feel my aware masculine and aware feminine align. 

In reflection, I am in gratitude for all 2021 has gifted, and I feel a deep sense of response-ability to share the transmission of love. 

Listo, Ready!  That is what I heard.  I am ready.  

In Peace & Joy,


PS: I am in deep gratitude for our Spiral Dance team forged through all the initiations and ceremonies of 2022. Co-creation is beautiful!